Basic constructs

Only one expression per line

Multiple expressions or statements in one line increase the mental burden while reading them. Split them up to avoid mentally hiding statements.


The condition of the if-statement should have no side effects. Avoid nested if-statements and prefer logical operators.

if (!Move(id))
    return false;

if (!UpdateStart(StartValue))
    return false;

Avoid side-effects

var itemFound = Move(id);
if (!itemFound)
    return false;

var updateIsReady = UpdateStart(StateDelete);
if (!updateIsReady)
    return false;

Better alternative


Avoid for-loops and use LINQ and higher order functions as an alternative.

Prefer foreach-loops

Whenever you are iterating over some kind of enumerator, prefer the foreach syntax:

foreach (var value in values.OrderByDescending(v => v))
    // Do something in reverse order



Handle all cases

Unhandled cases lead the program into an undefined state. If you have no natural default case, declare one throwing an ArgumentException when dealing with an argument or an InvalidOperationException for all other cases.


The goto statement is forbidden in all cases.